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十八禁!花花公子拉瑞 进入游戏问题答案全辑

发表时间:2014-09-11 19:43:03 | 0 人浏览

《花花公子拉瑞》是Replay Games的经典游戏《情圣拉瑞:舞男之旅》的高清转制版,情圣拉瑞系列有一些年头了,玩电脑游戏超过十年的玩家应该不会陌生。作为一款典型的18禁游戏,游戏讲述的

  《花花公子拉瑞》是Replay Games的经典游戏《情圣拉瑞:舞男之旅》的高清转制版,情圣拉瑞系列有一些年头了,玩电脑游戏超过十年的玩家应该不会陌生。作为一款典型的18禁游戏,游戏讲述的就是主人公拉瑞到处勾搭妹子,胡搞乱搞的故事,在当时曾招来不少非议,自然而然,它也是非常受欢迎的。当然,如果你未满18岁,进入游戏就很难了。开始游戏前需要回答正确5道问题证明你为成年人才能正常开始,下面为您提供了42道问题及其答案,可能不全,后期还会补上来。按Ctrl+F键可快速查找问题及答案。

  Q: Roberta Williams Designed What?

  A: Computer Games

  Q: Theodor Geisel is also known as...

  A: Dr. Seuss

  Q: What was the "Concorde" also known as?

  A: The SST

  Q: Who ran against George W. Bush the 2000 Presidential Election?

  A: Al Gore

  Q: Chicago is not an...

  A: Opera

  Q: What did some people call French Fries for a brief time in the early 2000s?

  A: Freedom Fries

  Q: Rudy Giuliani used to be

  A: Mayor of New York City

  Q: Which of these games came first?

  A: Pong

  Q: Who appeared in 15 episodes of Saturday Night Live during its first season?

  A: The Muppets

  Q: What TV show ended in 2004 after 10 seasons?

  A: Friends

  Q: Your permanent record is?

  A: A Fairy Tale meant to frighten children

  Q: Who said: "I ate his liver with some fava beans and nice Chianti"

  A: Hannibal Lecter

  Q: Which of these is a dance?

  A: The Macarena

  Q: Which of these is NOT a kind of sushi?

  A: Kirigami

  Q: Compuserve was an...

  A: Online Service

  Q: Whats that little thing on the tip of your shoelace?

  A: An Aglet

  Q: Who didn't know wheter "Buffalo Wings" were made from chicken or Buffalo?

  A: Jessica Simpson

  Q: Which of these isn't a old internet search engine?

  A: FindItOut

  Q: Which of these require a battery?

  A: A Tamagotchi

  Q: What was going to cause the world's computers to malfunction?

  A: Y2K

  Q: Which of these was not a real tv show?

  A: Not with my daughter, you don't

  Q: Which of these is not a part of the human body?

  A: Mound of Glory

  Q: Which "right" is spelled wrong?

  A: Copywrigh

  Q: Who's known for the phrase "My precious?"

  A: Gollum

  Q: Steve Fosset was the first person to

  A: Travel around the world in a balloon

  Q: Which of these is NOT an article of clothing?

  A: Peccadillo

  Q: Not that there's anything wrong with that was popularized on the tv show...

  A: Seinfeld

  Q: What is a Porcelain Goddess?

  A: A Toilet

  Q: The incredible edible...

  A: Egg

  Q: Who has never been caught shoplifting?

  A: Stevie Wonder

  Q: Which famous performer's son used to be her daughter?

  A: Cher

  Q: Which haircut grew out of a TV Show?

  A: The Rachel

  Q: The motto of the US Marine Corps is...

  A: Semper fi

  Q: Xander,Willow, and Oz were all characters on...

  A: Buffy the Vampire Slayer

  Q: Tornadoes seem magnetically drawn to...

  A: Trailer Parks

  Q: Which one is not a Scientologist?

  A: Mayim Bialik

  Q: Who's smarter than the average bear?

  A: Yogi

  Q: Which desert is also the name of a past or present Las Vegas casino?

  A: The Sahara

  Q: Emeril: "Bam"

  A: Anne Robinson:“You are the weakest link.”

  Q: Who did Angelina Jolie kiss passionately when she won an Oscar?

  A: Her Brother

  Q: Bill Cosby has never sold...

  A: Babies


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